collage pics of rae and i

collage pics of rae and i

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 5 shepardstown to Leesburg, VA

It was a neat experience today to travel a portion of the Appalachian Trail for a few miles. The C&O Canal and the AT marry for a short distance. We talked to some backpackers from Pgh on their way. The ride to Brunswick went relatively smooth. The heat stayed low and the humidity as well. What a change from the previous riding days. We crossed the series of train tracks into Brunswick and passed El Sloppy Tacos and headed for a converted church, now a cafe, called Beans in the Belfry. Very neat place. Rae caught a whiff of those tacos on the way to the cafe so we stopped and she had two tacos - said they were excellent. We passed Point of Rocks which was the area where competing technologies clashed - the railroad and the canal. The lock houses along this stretch were starting to take on a different look - more color and porches. The Monacacy Aqueduct is supposed to be one of the most photographed structures on the trail - beautiful masonry and apparently it was done by three different masons. We arrived at Whites Ferry around 330 or so and got to take the ferry across the Potomac w/ the bikes which was pretty cool. All settled in and having what else for dinner but a little mexican...those two tacos just weren't enough for Rae :) Only 35 miles to go tomorrow. We are both a little sore but the excitement of finishing this journey that we started is pushing us on another day.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet. Hope to talk to you about the trip.
